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Gain complete authority over your love life with:

seductive Integrity

The problem:

Your dream woman has hundreds of dating options. You have to become the best one to win her love and devotion. CONQUERING THIS CHALLENGE IS Your goal and our EXPERTISE.

The truth without all the white lies: You must become your dream woman’s favorite pick.

If you want to be #1 in anything, you have to train (especially when there are hundreds of competitors).

There is no “Participation Trophy” that will save you here.

Fortunately for you, the average man’s “know-it-all ego” and lack of intentional training make getting to 1st place with your dream women easier.

That is, as long as you lead with passion and curiosity more than ego. You are a man of ambition, integrity, and are willing to lead with curiosity far more than a know-it-all ego.

The Raw Truth:

Being a “good guy” and a decent provider isn’t enough anymore to attract amazing women.

Dating and love have completely changed in the last 20 years (and will continue to evolve).

You’re not going to become your dream woman’s ideal man through cheap tricks, a well-curated dating profile, or a flashy lifestyle.

Those things don’t bump someone from 2nd best to first place, and it definitely doesn’t help for someone who is far from the top three.

Regardless of how much you earn, how fit you are, or how impressive your lifestyle is, you’re going to have many men who dominate you in some, or all of those categories.

So you might ask: “How am I going to stand out as #1, especially with so many men competing for my dream girl?”

The Solution:

You need to develop skills and insights that every woman craves, but above average men completely overlook.

You already know the truth: There isn’t some magic trick that will make you the mack daddy with all women. If that existed, every man would know about it.

We are talking about skills and insights other men don’t just overlook, but typically completely botch up!

Think about it. If you have well over 100 other men competing against you for your ideal woman, wouldn’t you want to focus on things that really make you stand out (cause they are blind to focusing on them)?

All the women I dated have been in relationships with guys who were impressive on paper and from first glance. But none of those guys profoundly gave the women I dated what women really crave:

  • To feel truly seen. Not just looks or for their external achievements but for their raw character, values, and uniquely beautiful components of their personality.
  • To feel accepted by a man, after trusting to open to him more than they ever have opened to a man before.
  • To not just feel in love with their boyfriend but to feel in love with the woman and person they became around their partner.
  • To feel completely ravished sexually. To the point that they know the majority of men would shame them, and instead they not only felt 100% accepted, but also worshipped for their raw sexual selves.
  • To feel supported emotionally by a man who has a far deeper emotional capacity and awareness than any man before.
  • To feel like they are dating a man who loves women, rather than men who feel they have to win the battles of the sexes.
  • To feel constantly intrigued and stimulated and accepted across a wide variety of things: humor, vulnerability, flirtatiousness, intellectual intrigue, eroticism, mystery, goofiness, acceptance, motivationally challenged, curiosity, calmness, excitement, living on the edge of things, etc. While other men typically only stimulate 2-3 emotions well and ruin the rest or leave them unattended to.
  • I can go on, but in short, I focused on giving women things they most crave but rarely get from men.
Click for a glimpse at some skills other men are blind to that we teach...

You don’t know what you don’t know. There’s a lot to learn within your blindpots. Each new skill you earn, makes you gain more beautiful influence with women, and authentic authority over your love life.

  • The 15 mistakes that ruin initial approaches & introductions. These are mistakes men frequently make. Example: We had a man who literally approached over 1,000 women (with only one story of short success) when he first came to us. After over 1,000 rejections, he felt like a lost cause. He hired us to work with him, and by the end of his coaching experience he was getting 8 dates per week all from in person approaching. This list along with the next item are the main points that turned it all around for him.
  • The 9 Essential Traits of Seductive Integrity that are critical for short term and long term attraction with profound women. These 9 Essential Traits only became clear after analyzing the efforts of over 1,000 men, and coaching men for over a decade. Mess up any of these and you won’t have deep devotion from beautiful women. Fix all 9 and master any 3-4 and you will have all your friends calling you a “natural with women.”
  • The top influences of Female Sexual Responsiveness and Desire. This is backed by a lot of data from many studies ran within the last 20 years (many of which were ran by female scientists). For society or men to assume that women’s desire can’t be understood is such a foolish and limiting belief. Modern dating has changed things a lot. Most of what you may have read in magazines or from influencers, is regurgitated, outdated, and disproved advice from over 60 years ago. Don’t believe me? Well realize that:
    In the early 20th century, a common belief among physicians was that women did not experience sexual desire. This meant that female orgasms were viewed as problematic. When it happened, doctors felt it was something that needed to be solved. At the time, “experts” believed a woman’s sexuality was not important to her mental and physical health. One of the most famous physicians who fueled this belief was Sigmund Freud (one of the founding fathers of psychology)! He suggested clitoral stimulation could lead to psychosis in women. That view led to many women being institutionalized. That was less than 100 years ago. If you think general society and assumptions of women and their desire is up to date, you’re making a massive mistake.
  • The 5 Core Controllable Components to your seductive & dating ability. These are the fundamental categories. Think about something like health and fitness. You have core controllable categories that have influence over your health. Examples: Strength training (of all different forms), nutrition, cardio and lung development, sleep and general lifestyle, hormones, physical therapy and attention from doctors to fix limiting issues, etc. Example: You can workout all you want, but if you eat horrifically, and fail to notice a serious hormone imbalance, you will struggle. On a call, we are checking you across the 5 Core Controllable Components to see where you have things to fix, strengths to multiply, and blindspots to take advantage of.
  • Emotional Stimulation Patterns. So you think you’re not great at flirting, building trust in eroticism, making a woman laugh, connecting through vulnerability, etc… All those and many more critical emotional experiences that are needed for profound romantic bonding are based off of patterns. You don’t want some canned line or joke that isn’t fit to your character. You want to understand the core patterns so you can come up with your own way to have expansive emotional connections with your women of interest.

We can go on but to keep it short. There are plenty more:

  • How to build your dating and social “roll cage” so you are efficient at decreasing rejections, and making your survival of them much easier.
  • The 6 Human Cravings that can be utilized for understanding how to quickly understand a woman’s values, and priorities. And how to bring full satisfaction in a way most all men will miss.
  • The 12 most common patterns women use to bring themselves to orgasm. And how to figure out which patterns the woman you are with desire most.
  • The most reliable way to first bridge erotic connection and innitiaion with women.
  • The 3 Questions To The Approach. These are at the core of any succesful approach and introduction. You can use it in person or online.
  • The Mechanics of Asking Out. 6 steps to dramatically improve your success rate of women saying yes to a date with you.
  • The most common dangerous beliefs women have about men and dating that will lead to them misconstruing your actions, intentions, and character.
  • Connection Distribution. The skill you need to be able to masterfully keep someon excited and engage but not crossing their level of comfort.
  • Double your confidence today hack. The quickest way to boost your confidence in all social situations.
  • The 5 most common avenues for meeting beautiful women. And how to figure out which of the 5 you should prioritize and are best fit to your lifestyle and personality.
  • The process and components to multiply the success of an online dating profile.

We can go on and on. This is why our programs are 6-12 months on average. They go deep and wide. With each skill making you stand out that much more with the women you most desire. 

When you are a package and experience that is uniquely craved and rarely met in the eyes of women, you become irresistible and irreplaceable!

That’s what we have helped our clients achieve. We teach you things your competition ignores, and women crave. Real things that truly transform your relationships with women.

The Process:

83% of our clients have anywhere between a 2X and 11x improvement in their positive dating and relationship metrics.

Step 1: Audit & Evaluation

The goal is to make you come across as the best romantic option in the eyes of the women you date. This means we have to find a way to make you stand out.

You must uncover your weaknesses, strengths, personality, goals, mindset, beliefs (positive and negative), etc. We have to see what your process of seduction and dating is currently, so we can see what most immediately needs improving.

Everyone also has blind spots in what’s holding them back, and especially in opportunities they are missing.

You want and need every advantage you can get, meaning we want to uncover all opportunities and take each one of them seriously.

This all starts with an Assessment Call.

Step 2: A personalized training regement and game plan

There are literally hundreds of large category items that we can work on and train you in. But you want results as quickly as possible. So we take what we have learned in your evaluation and begin with what is most advantageousThen we train you in those things through the method of development and practice that is best for you.

These are the modes of Teaching, training, and practice that we will customize your game plan from:

  • On-demand Coaching
  • Female Facilitator “Mock Dates”
  • Online training
  • In-person experiences
  • AI accountability and metric tracking
  • Ketamine Assisted Coaching

Then we determine the length of time needed for your goals to start gaining traction.

  • 3 Months
  • 6 Months
  • 12+ Months
  • Or something entirely custom

No matter what length of program you experience with us, you need to understand that treating this area of your life as a regular place of practice and investment is key.

Step 3: Practice, Feedback, & Adjustments

One of the things that makes dating so difficult to improve is how rarely you get to practice. The average man has around 2 first dates per year. Imagine if you were trying to get better at a sport, but you only got to practice once per year…

This is why we commonly suggest you have “mock dates” with our female facilitators.

Getting honest feedback about what you did well and what you could have improved is really challenging in dating. It’s uncomfortable for a woman to be fully honest with you on those things. But in any form of growth, feedback is mandatory for growth.

This is where having a personal Seductive Integrity Coach makes a big impact as well. Your coach can provide insights on your strengths, and improvements. Your coach can tell you when a skill you are learning is been established enough for you to move on to the next skillset. Your coach can help you find adjustments to your game plan when you hit challenges that can have multiple approaches to overcoming. 

Get clarity with an assessment & personalized game plan call

book a call asap! Here is why:

1. Your efforts are likely inefficient (let's fix that):

 FirstI hope we identify inefficiencies in your efforts for your benefit. Maximum efficiency would leave no room for improvement.

    The common man’s dating game plan is very outdated and inefficient. Average stuff:

    • Rely solely on dating apps (did you know dating literally want you to find long lasting love? The app is a business and none of them benefit by you getting in a relationship that makes you never use the app again. There are 4 other avenues for meeting dates (some with less stress and higher success).
    • Trying to improve your looks, fitness, etc. Let’s be real, no matter how much you work out, and improve grooming, you and I are no Brad Pitt. Improving this can help guys a little, but end of the day, you’re still not going to be in the top 1 (or likely even 5%) of men who are regarded as most physically attractive to women. Fortunately women are far more accepting and forgiving of men’s looks not needing to be great. Example: Dad bods, Pete Davidson, The top coach here Ander Adams.
    • Trying to attract with a flashy lifestyle, or money. To attract women regularly through this alone, you better be driving a $300k+ car, own a fancy house, making at least $300K+ annually, and doing exhilarating or luxurious things weekly. If you do attract women through your lifestyle and money, then sorry to tell you but you’ll almost only attract women who are unstable in many ways, and want your lifestyle/money far more than you as a person. Trust us, we have worked with plenty of wealthy men who for this reason choose to hide most of their wealth and not lead with it.
    • Using unprofessional clickbait advice. Studying via inaccurate and misleading pickup artist advice, or clickbait influencers who give dangerously polarizing advice (‘Cough: Andrew Tate’ – ‘Cough: Red pill theory’ etc.) The advice you take should be integrity based and shouldn’t be something you have to hide from women. True improvement requires honest work, time, and a superior game plan. If their was an easy and instant ‘trick’ to attracting beautiful women every male past puberty would have already found the solution on google.
    • Relying on fate, hope, or God. Dating leads to lust and love, love relationships lead to your most important partner, and the future mother of your kids. Don’t leave that to fate and inaction. You have to be seen as the best option in your ideal woman’s eyes to attract and keep her (that takes skill and effort – not luck). Each beautiful woman who is in a happy relationship has a large list of runner ups, and ‘never-even-had-a-chance’ men. Now, if you believe in god, hear me out. Almost all religions and spiritual figures focus on how love is the biggest lesson and goal in life. A lesson to learn, a skill to expand, and something most all spiritual leaders would want you to put effort into earning, experiencing, and mastering.
    • Going to Therapy: I hope you have seen or do see a Therapist. Going to therapy is great for so many things. Self awareness, removing baggage, teaching how to manage conflict better in relationships, emotional awareness, etc. Those will help you in many ways, but with topics of love, it mainly helps within relationships. However there is no college class, license, or credential to earn on the topic of dating and attraction (especially modern dating). It’s a topic left unaddressed in becoming a therapist. This is why we have consulted and advised therapists in Seductive Integrity categories. In 2014 we will be an Approved Continuing Education Provider, formally training Therapists how to better advise and work with single individuals trying to navigate modern dating. Our top Female Coach here is a therapist licensed in Texas. She owns a large practice in Texas, and is how brought forth Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy and Coaching here at Seductive Integrity (done locally with approved clients.

    On an evaluation call we can dive into your far more intricate and personal to you weaknesses and strengths. By the end of the call we can provide a more detailed, and far more efficient plan that will have you racing towards your ideal love much more quickly.

      2. Start gaining an unfair advantage (it's needed):

      The Raw Truth: To win the desire, and devotion of your ideal woman, you literally have to become her #1 option and best experience presently and historically. If you’re her second best, you sadly lose the lady.

      The all too common white lie of “sooner or later you’ll just meet the right one” is so dangerous to believe. Truthfully, you already see and occasionally meet beautiful women. Meeting beautiful women is a small fraction of everything. You becoming the man who is very consistently seen as the MVP and most all encompassing romantic option is what really gives you abundance, and genuine influence, and honorable authority over your dating/love life.

      Now think about how many men in real life, and online try to pursue, match with, and date a woman as beautiful as your dream woman!

      You already know without me needing to provide you with the proven and over the top evidence. But as a literally example. The following picture I took of a notification that popped up on my ex-girlfriends watch saying her profile had been liked over 25,000 times in less than a year of her profile being active in (in a city without a large population).

      Tinder Female Profile - Liked over 25,000 times

      That’s a lot of competition. You want NEED every advantage you can get!

      3. Gain insights & skills other men are blind to...

      You don’t know what you don’t know. There’s a lot to learn within your blindpots. Each new skill you earn, makes you gain more beautiful influence with women, and authentic authority over your love life.

      • The 15 mistakes that ruin initial approaches & introductions. These are mistakes men frequently make. Example: We had a man who literally approached over 1,000 women (with only one story of short success) when he first came to us. After over 1,000 rejections, he felt like a lost cause. He hired us to work with him, and by the end of his coaching experience he was getting 8 dates per week all from in person approaching. This list along with the next item are the main points that turned it all around for him.
      • The 9 Essential Traits of Seductive Integrity that are critical for short term and long term attraction with profound women. These 9 Essential Traits only became clear after analyzing the efforts of over 1,000 men, and coaching men for over a decade. Mess up any of these and you won’t have deep devotion from beautiful women. Fix all 9 and master any 3-4 and you will have all your friends calling you a “natural with women.”
      • The top influences of Female Sexual Responsiveness and Desire. This is backed by a lot of data from many studies ran within the last 20 years (many of which were ran by female scientists). For society or men to assume that women’s desire can’t be understood is such a foolish and limiting belief. Modern dating has changed things a lot. Most of what you may have read in magazines or from influencers, is regurgitated, outdated, and disproved advice from over 60 years ago. Don’t believe me? Well realize that:
        In the early 20th century, a common belief among physicians was that women did not experience sexual desire. This meant that female orgasms were viewed as problematic. When it happened, doctors felt it was something that needed to be solved. At the time, “experts” believed a woman’s sexuality was not important to her mental and physical health. One of the most famous physicians who fueled this belief was Sigmund Freud (one of the founding fathers of psychology)! He suggested clitoral stimulation could lead to psychosis in women. That view led to many women being institutionalized. That was less than 100 years ago. If you think general society and assumptions of women and their desire is up to date, you’re making a massive mistake.
      • The 5 Core Controllable Components to your seductive & dating ability. These are the fundamental categories. Think about something like health and fitness. You have core controllable categories that have influence over your health. Examples: Strength training (of all different forms), nutrition, cardio and lung development, sleep and general lifestyle, hormones, physical therapy and attention from doctors to fix limiting issues, etc. Example: You can workout all you want, but if you eat horrifically, and fail to notice a serious hormone imbalance, you will struggle. On a call, we are checking you across the 5 Core Controllable Components to see where you have things to fix, strengths to multiply, and blindspots to take advantage of.
      • Emotional Stimulation Patterns. So you think you’re not great at flirting, building trust in eroticism, making a woman laugh, connecting through vulnerability, etc… All those and many more critical emotional experiences that are needed for profound romantic bonding are based off of patterns. You don’t want some canned line or joke that isn’t fit to your character. You want to understand the core patterns so you can come up with your own way to have expansive emotional connections with your women of interest.

      We can go on but to keep it short. There are plenty more:

      • How to build your dating and social “roll cage” so you are efficient at decreasing rejections, and making your survival of them much easier.
      • The 6 Human Cravings that can be utilized for understanding how to quickly understand a woman’s values, and priorities. And how to bring full satisfaction in a way most all men will miss.
      • The 12 most common patterns women use to bring themselves to orgasm. And how to figure out which patterns the woman you are with desire most.
      • The most reliable way to first bridge erotic connection and innitiaion with women.
      • The 3 Questions To The Approach. These are at the core of any succesful approach and introduction. You can use it in person or online.
      • The Mechanics of Asking Out. 6 steps to dramatically improve your success rate of women saying yes to a date with you.
      • The most common dangerous beliefs women have about men and dating that will lead to them misconstruing your actions, intentions, and character.
      • Connection Distribution. The skill you need to be able to masterfully keep someon excited and engage but not crossing their level of comfort.
      • Double your confidence today hack. The quickest way to boost your confidence in all social situations.
      • The 5 most common avenues for meeting beautiful women. And how to figure out which of the 5 you should prioritize and are best fit to your lifestyle and personality.
      • The process and components to multiply the success of an online dating profile.

      We can go on and on. This is why our programs are 6-12 months on average. They go deep and wide. With each skill making you stand out that much more with the women you most desire. 

      3. These calls aren't always free. Book fast.

      A full evaluation process is typically $695

      A one hour assement and game plan is typically $149.

      But when we have room for new clients and this is your first time doing a call with us, we cover the cost of first calls for genuine applicants.

      All you have to do, is pick a time, and fill out a short intake form so we can verify we can work well with you and have the main information ready prior to your call beginning.

      Complimentary assessment ends on February 13, 2025 at 11:59 PM

      About Coach Ander Adams


      For years I have been asked “Who taught you Ander”? What book did you read, who did you learn from?

      I read everything I could get my hands on (literally hundreds of books), I read research papers, I took online and in person courses. Those things helped a little.

      What made the BIGGEST difference? Assuming I could always learn more, RELENTLESS trial and error, and CONSTANT request for raw feedback from hundreds of women I came into contact with (even the ones who rejected me).

      • I approached countless women (facing literally hundreds of rejections).
      • I went on hundreds of dates (starting off typically being friend-zoned, getting to the point of averaging 8 dates per week without dating apps)
      • I interviewed hundreds of women on all topics in dating, rejection, relationships, sex, etc.
      • I even paid to run my own surveys that were sent out to thousands of women (all to better understand the female psyche).

      I promise if you do that, you will learn a lot. However, that took me years, and a lot of painful experiences. I’d rather show you the shortcuts, and key lessons without all the painful work and years of trial and error.

      Click to learn more about Ander...

      I know how to attract and love women. But I didn’t start out that way.

      Growing up, I loved women and deeply craved to have a partner. But I couldn’t get a girlfriend, a date, or even a number. I struggled with body insecurities, lack of confidence, and significant social anxiety. 

      It tore me up inside when I would wake up every day just to see the empty pillow beside me. No missed calls or texts from women, and no

      great memories from any dates. I hated even looking in the mirror. I just saw someone I wasn’t proud to be.

      Learning to attract women in my early 20s didn’t go well. I only tried in ways that felt safe and assumed that women would give me a shot because I was a “nice guy” and had great intentions. It took a lonely night sitting on a curb and waiting for a cab back home from an embarrassing party experience to realize some hard truths:

      • Women didn’t owe me their love or lust, no matter how “good” of a guy I was.
      • I would only improve if I became better in all areas of my life.
      • My challenges with dating weren’t my fault, but they WERE my responsibility to address.
      • I couldn’t keep trying the same approach and expecting different results.
      • This was on ME.

      How did I finally figure it out?

      I committed to an honest game plan of long-term improvement.

      I became obsessed with learning about seduction, integrity, the female psyche, sexual artistry, human connection, emotional stimulation patterns, relationship skills, and psychology.

      I read every book I could get my hands on. I asked my taxi cab customers for honest opinions about life and relationships. I refused to get braces until I mastered confidence and seduction with bad teeth. I got serious about my health and fitness. I got serious about my career and building stability in my life. I approached so many women in my hometown that I accidentally asked a few out more than once. I started seeing no’s as an opportunity to learn rather than a foregone conclusion.

      I committed to failing better. 

      Over the past 10 years, I’ve dated a bikini body-building champion, a doctor, a well-paid scientist, nationally ranked dancers, and a successful business owner. The women in my life have reflected that I make them feel seen, accepted, in love with themselves, sexually worshiped, emotionally supported, and loved for who they are.

      My dreams not only became my reality; I actually surpassed what I

      had every thought I was capable of. 

      With the proper clarity, a legitimate action plan that fits you, and the heart to put it into action, it is possible to be the underdog who

      wins. To be the depressed man who becomes genuinely excited about their life. To grow from someone who is forever alone into a man who always has beautiful women, friends, and connections in his life. 

      I care about this work because this is my work, too. I stand behind my offers and my services because they are the exact same ones that helped me build the life and relationships I wanted.

      Ander Adams

      Schedule a free assessment

      Complimentary assessment ends on February 13, 2025at 11:59 PM

      what They’re Saying

      Client Testimonials

      Met and attracted my wife because of this program. I definitely wouldn’t be close to where I am right now or have developed the tools to really look at myself and grow without this program pushing me into the right mindset.

      Orion W.

      Met Ander following my divorce and the hardest breakup of my life. Working with him helped me find true confidence and self-worth for the first time in my life. Highly recommend his services, knowledge, and guidance!

      Jason G.

      I’ve had personal limits and insecurities in dating and business put under the limelight in the most unorthodox, yet also somehow inspiring way; I’ve never met another who was able to so succinctly draw out my weakness and provide direction on how to make that same weakness a strength. I’m a different man now; I’m one who went from scared and directionless, to confident in my abilities to date and pursue my life passions. And Seductive Integrity gave that to me.

      Jake A.

      When it comes to what Vimbasi Warrior has brought to my life… This stuff is priceless! For people who are on the fence about getting into a Vimbasi Warrior Seductive Integrity program I’d say “it’s your funeral.” Prior to Vimbasi I felt like I already learned most of what I needed to know yet things were still not working. Through the program I was surprised to learn that my pattern was just going to repeat in life if I do not focus on improving my thoughts, and that passion is what women crave more than looks. I was living with a lot of beliefs and a lot of incorrect biases…

      Timothy H.

      This program is worth far more than I paid… It resulted in some big breakthroughs… My understanding of myself, in particular my own innate sexuality and desires, and the notions and worries that were holding me back, has been a very positive improvement in my life. My understanding of women’s minds, thought processes, and the ways of feminine sexuality has also really improved. Adding that to that extra push Seductive Integrity gave me to go out and talk to women has really upped my confidence in approaching women and sharing my interest in them in a genuine way. Though this development process isn’t over for me, this is what I hoping to achieve by becoming a Seductive Integrity Man.

      Marc K.

      Upon starting my work in the program, Ander worked with me to establish my goals. The program truly was tailored to me personally. As a female in the program, I also had the privilege of working with Alana, one of the female coaches. Both took time getting to know me, and I genuinely felt their care for me and my husband. I quickly connected with them both, and consider them friends. They worked to help me identify and get rid of shame, communicate openly, explore my desires, and much more. I am walking out of this program feeling more connected to my husband. We truly feel like a team, and it is so wonderful! I would definitely recommend Seductive Integrity! Don’t wait! My sex life and overall relationship with my husband is hands down better as a result of their coaching. Although we are done with the program, I know that our relationship will continue to grow due to the foundation we built with Seductive Integrity.

      Lacey B.

      Found a fantastic girlfriend that I plan to propose to soon. Through the program I got out of a really bad rut. I got my confidence back and gained a new perspective about women and relationships.

      Luke c.

      Having the capability to unlock a women’s mind, make her vulnerable as she opens up to you and realizing her desires, and doing so with integrity and ease… you cant put a price on that.”

      Werner V.

      If you’re looking to be the best version of yourself, highly recommend Seductive Integrity! The program is tailored towards building better relationships (being a better dater, partner, and/or husband), but really it helps/improves you in all areas of your life.

      Steve C.

      I’ve learned how important connection is with everybody, not just women. I’m thankful for thinking about my relationship with women as something I want my future son to see, and something I can tell my little sister about. I’m thankful for starting to pick up all the little things, like how simple it can all be… I’m dedicated to this for life.

      Perry P.

      To Ander. I wanted to extend my deepest thanks for all of your training and support in my search for a great mate. I met an amazing, gergeous, intelligent, bi-lingual & very positive lady. It’s been great with no signs of slowing down. Thanks again for all your valuable help and sharing it with me when it was needed. I’m very grateful.

      Steve W.

      It’s like you have a personal wingman guiding you every step of the way from start to finish.

      Ryan R..

      I’ve only been in the Seductive Integrity Program for a couple weeks now and it’s unbelievanle the impact that it has already had on my life. More than anything the realizations that I’ve had about myself and flaws in the way I’ve been managing my life that I was completely blind to. Ander has pushed me to excel beyond my perceived limitations already and we’ve only just begun. It’s hard work and I’ve really had to dig into my own mind, but everything that I’ve learned in this program rings out true. There isn’t a single things that I’ve read or heard from Ander that hasn’t made perfect sense and made a positive impact on my life.

      Marshal D.

      I am glad to have worked with Ander in Several of the Programs, and plan to do more in the future. I appreciate that he respects my standards and values and helps me work within them. He demonstrates integrity. He is fair, honest, and respecful. My money was well spent working with him. He provided real substance, and was generous in his time and interaction. I enjoyed the work, and effort, and changes that working with him required. He cares, and I consider him a friend.

      My wife and I recently worked with Ander and Alana. My wife was apprehensive before starting and Iwas quickly put to ease. Working with us both together really helped us grow leaps and bouds in understanding our own desire, being courageous enough to express the desire, and we enjoy a healthier and more fullfilling relaitonship and sex life.

      Nathan B.

      As an avid seeker of personal growth and a better understanding of relationships, I approached Seductive Integrity with a measure of skepticism and hope. What I experienced was nothing short of transformative, especially under the astute guidance of Coach Ander.

      Engaging with Ander is like turning the pages of a deeply insightful book, chapters unraveling the complexities of dating and relationships with a clarity that is both rare and profound. Ander is not just a coach; he is wise in the realm of human connections, and has an uncanny ability to distill convoluted emotions and interactions into articulate, understandable wisdom.

      Ander’s sessions are a masterclass in understanding the nuanced dance of dating, the subtleties, and the quest for compatibility. His approach is strategic yet soulful, analytical yet deeply empathetic, and really helps me navigate with far more confidence and insight.

      What stands out about Ander’s methodology is his exceptional skill in language. He articulates like the indescribable and helps me grasp the complexity of what I’m experiencing. Then he gives me tools to communicate and foster deeper connections and understanding.

      The lessons learned in Seductive Integrity are multifaceted; they are about self-awareness and relational intelligence. Ander teaches that successful relationships are not just about finding someone but also about being someone who can recognize and contribute to a healthy, thriving partnership.. #ThisIsSoBig

      The strategies and insights I gained have been practical and actionable. Whether it’s enhancing my dating life or enriching long-term relationships, Ander’s tailored advice is grounded in realistic and achievable goals. It’s a tailored approach.

      The Vimbasi Warriors experience is not just about the immediate “wins” in love and dating. It’s comprehensive. Ander’s wisdom helps me grow, and I don’t feel like I’m reinventing the wheel, which is really helpful; life is short. I’ve been reshaping my worldview and the way I interact with potential partners.

      For anyone feeling adrift in the sea of modern dating, or for those seeking a deeper connection within their existing relationships, Seductive Integrity, and the exceptional Ander, provides not just a compass but a whole navigational system.

      So yeah, I really do recommend Seductive Integrity to anyone who values depth, authenticity, and intentionality in their relationships. Ander is more than a just a coach; he’s an inspiring man and he’s been so important to me as I’ve been looking to uncover the mechanics and the essence of connection.

      Jeff R.

      This teaches a beautiful way to live that makes your life worth living with enthusiasm and passion. Is there really a price that can be put on that? If you really want to become the best version of yourself, or to live a life of your dreams, you must do things differently. And believe me, this is different. What I like most is the fact that it is based off authenticity, integrity, respect, and genuinely caring for women as beautiful human beings rather than sexual objects to conquest by pick up techniques, or belittling women in order to gain their attention.

      Here are some unexpected breakthroughs that I’ve had (with only being a quarter of the way through the program):

      • Realizing that I’ve been living life through “should’s” or “the right things to do”, which made life more of a “grind” instead of developing my life through “wants” and “passion”.
      • Understanding that it’s not “nice guys” who finish last, but “guys who don’t show up as their raw self”, or the men that only allow their best foot forward, coming off as “not real”. Men that only show sides of themselves that they think a woman wants to see and not “rocking the boat” by showing their real, raw selves are the ones that “finish last”.
      • I am allowed, and have the right, to feel. I don’t have to monitor and repress my feelings, but rather, I am allowed and have the right to feel my emotions fully, without explanation or justification.
      • You don’t have to ask women to be sexual, they are already more so than I am. However what I need and wish to do, is allow and invite them to be their sexual selves without judgement or shame.
      • I am not “broken” or at a “disadvantage” for being introverted. However, I do have to own that fact and integrate myself with that personality trait rather than trying to “disown” it and be someone I’m not.
      • Men and women have both Masculine and Feminine energy that they can develop, which influences the types of partners they attract in relationships. You must find your natural essence and play to that strength whether it’s more masculine, or feminine.
      Justin T.

      The biggest breakthrough that I had was in liberating my sexuality by relieving guilt/shame and learning more about women’s desires. As well as meeting my girlfriend. I’m definitely thankful for the guidance, as I would not have met her without it. The personal coaching, especially challenging me to dig deeper and be vulnerable and open minded is what I like most about the program. Where else can you get such personal and comprehensive feedback from a man who used to struggle [Ander] with women? The personal coaching with Ander and how often we were in contact. The flexibility where I can learn ay my own pace, the program can be 6-9 months (depending on Ander views my progress) and no hourly rate. The holistic approach that puts the responsibility on us to become the best man we can. Personality may attract, but character sustains relationships…

      For a man who is hesitant about getting into a Seductive Integrity Program I would say if he has faced failure, rejection, and frustration in dating, this is one of the best solutions out there to invest in. To get any questions answered (relieve confusion) and pursue the best version of yourself. It’s more than I ever spent for 6 months of coaching or mentoring, but worth the value. Prior to the program, I had rarely been able to move from initial interest or friendship to dating or sex. I thought I learned a lot about women already from my failures and just needed to find the right compatible person. But I needed help.

      Chandler C.

      Have you ever felt like there just has to be a better more authentic and passionate way of dating approaching and understanding women but the world all around you (probably including friends and family) portrays an image that is frankly so full of shit, and unauthentic to you that, you feel like you’re losing hope?

      I know that’s how I felt, I was out searching one dating program after the other, asking everyone I know and nothing I could find answered my questions or showed me what I was looking for. Then I found the Vimbasi Program and I heard Adam Anders say the words “Seductive Integrity” and I felt those words resonate with me and I looked deeper and I heard him talk about a way of life that is built not on all the empty pretensions that the world has to offer but rather on integrity and passion, how to live with a warriors heart, and how to express yourself in a way that is genuine to yourself.

      So I got into the program and I knew by the end of the first session that I had found what I was looking for, I felt my heart start beating again as Ander showed me that I didn’t need to find a light in the darkness I had to light my own and he showed me how every step of the way. Since I started the Vimbasi program I have felt an awakening of passion in myself that I couldn’t have imagined before and while I am still and infant, I am learning how to approach women with the confidence of a lion, not because I’m the smoothest guy with the perfect pickup lines but because I live from the heart and I have integrity and respect in my approach so even if she turns me down flat, and it hurts like hell I can keep on going. Not because I didn’t care about her but because the goal of finding someone who I can truly love without reservation or regret is so powerful and real to me that I can carry forward no matter the adversity.

      Someday I will teach my sons to be Vimbasi Warriors and I will quote Adam Ander’s to them. If I could say one thing about the Vimbasi way of life it would be that I wish I had found it a longtime ago. And whether you’ve bean married 30 years and want to awaken yourself to new level’s of love expression and passion or you’re just starting dating and want to do it right this program will be a life changing investment that you will never regret.

      Isaac L.

      The largest breakthrough for me has been developing a stronger sense of self, in terms of developing a better idea of the person that I want to be, not just in dating but in life in general.

      I firmly believe that the responsibility to grow as an individual rests on my own shoulders, but the Seductive Integrity Program has given me the tools that I need to thrive. I haven’t finished the course yet, but so far I think that one of the greatest aspects of this program is that it provides an opportunity to question aspects of who you are, and to adopt new perspectives that can support you in becoming a greater version of yourself, from a place of Seductive Integrity.

      There are certain aspects of the training that are similar to cognitive behavioral therapy. As a medical student, I understood the value of this in helping patients manage anxiety, depression, and a number of other disorders, but I hadn’t taken the time to recognize how much value it could hold in terms of helping me in my own personal development.

      After being in this program for the past few months, I feel strong in a way that I’ve never felt before. I haven’t just seen improvements in my dating life, I’ve been able to create huge changes in the passion that I hold in relation to my career and my life in general with the help of the Seductive Integrity program, and what’s actually kind of exciting is that I know that I still have a lot of room for growth. That’s not something that I think I can put a price-tag on.

      Aaron S.

      My whole life has changed. Getting in touch with my “Vimbase” has overhauled my career my health, and has given me a level of confidence with women which I once thought impossible! Where each of these categories had once been barren wastelands of low self esteem charged apathy, my life is now filled with ever-increasing abundance.

      At first it seems too good to be true. Like could this really work? It’s a significant amount of money to invest in something which seems abstract at first.

      Being to work one-on-one with Ander, and to observe what it is about him which gives him his charm over women. I also really like the aspect of brotherhood which is a theme in the Vimbasi Warrior Seductive Integrity (the brotherhood). This helps me see others as part of my family, and to treat them with empathy and respect.

      There’s nothing more important in a man’s life than understanding Vimbase. It’s allowed me to go from average and frustrated to feeling invincible. That’s all there is to say.

      Devin S.

      I stepped out of my comfort zone, implemented the material and approached women, and married a wonderful woman who I am very much in love with. I just had limiting beliefs holding me back, feeling unworthy of the good I desire. I had some doubts not because I thought the program might not be effective, but I had doubts in my own ability to overcome my paradigm and lack of belief in myself. The program It gets down to the root of any issues and primary causes of results. It caused me to be really honest with myself with where I currently am and what is stopping me I greatly appreciate how authenticity and integrity are placed to a very high standard. Also the material itself is really effective, very comprehensive.

      The thing that was most unexpected for me from the program was how quickly one can start to see results. I feel that human happiness is largely determined by our level of gratitude and the quality of or close relationships. This material guides you to take charge of the quality of your personal relationships in love and romance, in a structured, cohesive, and authentic way. It helps to take charge of your life. And that is truly priceless.

      Vladimir L.

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      Complimentary assessment ends on February 13, 2025at 11:59 PM

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      DISCLAIMER: The results on this landing page and the results discussed in this training are our personal results and in some cases the outcome of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results mainly due to inaction. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. Quality dating and self-investment require risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, this is not for you.

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